"Go In Power"

Mar 10, 2024    Blake Odgers

When the disciples were unable to cast a demon out of a boy, it wasn't because they lacked authority. According to Jesus, they could only tap into this authority through prayer + fasting. PRAYER is what allows us to access the power + authority we need to be effective in whatever moment we find ourselves in, especially those that seem too big for us. It is through prayer that the Holy Spirit enables us to contemplate the beauty of Jesus, to consecrate our life for his mission, and contend for the world around us.

GO //

Scripture is clear: God desires for ALL people to hear, receive, and rejoice in the good news of His great love for them in Jesus! Our church is not just a gathering place, it’s a sending ground. We are sent, in the power & authority of the Holy Spirit, to GO to our families, to our jobs, to our community, and to the nations, to deliver the good news & raise up disciples who make disciples.