"What We Have In Jesus"

Sep 24, 2023    Brad Parkhurst

God has chosen to put his power and glory inside our weak, frail bodies. Because of this, there is no doubt that this power we experience is from God and not from us! True followers of Jesus embrace both his resurrection AND his sufferings, eager for the opportunity to become like him and see his power at work in their lives to save others. They eagerly exchange a life of comfort + safety for a life of daring, risking it all for the gospel.


2 Corinthians is arguably the most heartfelt, emotional letter we have from the Apostle Paul. As he writes to his friends in Corinth and addresses some of the challenges they're facing, he encourages them to embrace the life that Jesus modeled. Christians, originally known as "followers of the Way", are empowered by the Holy Spirit to take on a new way of living, one that draws strength from weakness, humility, and generosity.