"Test Yourself"

Jan 28, 2024    Brad Parkhurst

As Paul nears the end of this letter to the Corinthians, he urges them to examine themselves to see whether they are really in the faith. The Spirit gives us the same challenge today: "Do you KNOW that Christ is IN you? Is your faith genuine? Or are you a Christian only by association or tradition?" This is a test we cannot bear to fail.


2 Corinthians is arguably the most heartfelt, emotional letter we have from the Apostle Paul. As he writes to his friends in Corinth and addresses some of the challenges they're facing, he encourages them to embrace the life that Jesus modeled. Christians, originally known as "followers of the Way", are empowered by the Holy Spirit to take on a new way of living, one that draws strength from weakness, humility, and generosity.